10 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Mouth Ulcers
Mouth ulcers can be small in size and painful; they can be large sores too deeper than the small size ones and even more painful. Some of the ulcers in the mouth can appear in groups but can still be healed. Injury due to cheek bites, brushing, braces, sharp teeth or prosthesis may also cause mouth ulcers.
Here are mouth ulcer home remedies that can bring you relief naturally at home.
With loads of nutrients such as Vitamin B, E, and C in it, coconut can be very helpful for you. The coconut milk is rich in antimicrobial lipids, capric acid, and much more which have antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial effects.
If you are facing ulcers very frequently, due to lack of nutrients, the coconut will come in as very effective. Apply the oil on the ulcer and you may leave it overnight too. It will provide relief in pain.
Alternatively, gargle a couple of times every day with coconut milk for relief.
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Baking Soda
There are some specific food items such as citric acid-rich foods, chocolates, and coffee which are a common cause of mouth ulcers. In such a scenario the best of all home remedies to get rid of mouth ulcer is baking soda because it can neutralize the acid in food which causes ulcers.
For this remedy, take equal quantities of baking soda and water, and mix well. Now, apply the same for some time and rinse once it gets dried. Try this remedy thrice a day for better relief.
As you know well, saltwater has been used for a long period of time as antiseptic. Salt has its own natural properties which are anti-inflammatory and acts as a disinfectant. These properties make it a very effective way of treating mouth ulcers.
It might sting but ultimately it relieves you greatly of pain. You need to rinse your mouth with this, swish it a little bit, and spit it then.

For centuries, basil has been popular as a home remedy for many problems because of its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Eating it directly or applying a paste of basil leaves on the sore can effectively treat you of mouth ulcers.
The seed as well as leaves of coriander are very effective for the treatment of mouth ulcers because of its possession of antioxidants and also dietary fibers. You can either include coriander as a part of your diet or you can also apply it directly to the ulcers to treat them.
Licorice herb is a great way to relieve the inflammation and pain caused by mouth ulcers because of its strong anti-inflammatory properties. It not only relieves you from the symptoms but also treats the ulcers completely. Just rub it with water on the stone and apply the paste to the affected area.
With powerful antioxidant and antibacterial properties, honey is one of the best ways to treat your mouth ulcers. You need to mix honey with turmeric to prepare a paste and then apply this very paste in your mouth on the sores. With the repetition of the process 3 to 4 times a day, you would be soon cured of mouth sores.
Raw white onion
Raw white onion has a strong and powerful antioxidant flavonoid which is named quercetin and it has been found to be very efficient in relieving mouth ulcers. Just cut an onion in slices and slowly chew those slices so that your mouth gets filled with its juice and the juice acts as a coating over the mouth ulcer.
Clove Oil to get rid of Mouth Ulcer
Clove oil is useful for several remedies. It contains antimicrobial properties that alleviate the pain and inflammation. Clove oil is suitable for toothaches and mouth ulcers too. Buy now-
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Firstly, rinse your mouth with warm water. After that, apply some oil on the affected area using cotton ball. Let the skin absorb the oil and experience relief.
Turmeric powder
Turmeric powder has natural properties that reduce the pain and inflammation. Simply mix water and turmeric powder to make a paste. Apply this paste and leave it for a few minutes. Wash off and feel the relief.
Follow this remedy twice a day for quick results.
Things to Keep in Mind during Mouth Ulcer
- Avoid very hot beverages such as tea and coffee.
- Avoid spicy food as it may further irritate the affected area.
- Do not consume oil foods as it worsens the ulcers.
- Avoid citric foods meanwhile.
- Smoking may not let the ulcer heal, therefore, it is better to avoid it.
- Ulcers can take more than a week to get cured. If these take longer to heal then consult the doctor.
- Take this problem seriously if it is preceded or followed by fever.
- If ulcers get reddened and more painful then it can be a sign of bacterial infection and require proper medication.