Symptoms of a vitamin deficiency can vary, but may include brittle nails, mouth ulcers and scaly skin patches. If you want to adjust your diet so you are no longer deficient when it comes to key vitamins, then all you have to do is take a look below. Visit your GP for a blood test if you’re concerned.
Brittle Nails
One of the main signs that you are deficient in several vitamins is if you have brittle hair and nails. Biotin, which is Vitamin B7, helps the body when it converts food into energy. A deficiency in this vitamin is rare but when it does happen, you may find that your hair thins out and that it becomes brittle. If you use antibiotics for quite some time or if you are taking anti-seizure medication then this can also be a risk factor. Those who eat a lot of egg whites may find that they have this kind of deficiency too. If you want to help yourself here then one thing you can do is make sure that you include eggs, fish, organ meat, dairy and nuts. Taking a supplement that contains around 30 micrograms of biotin can also be helpful.
Mouth Ulcers
If you struggle with mouth ulcers then this is another sign that you may have a vitamin deficiency. It may be that you simply aren’t getting enough vitamins and minerals. If you want to do something about this then one thing you can do is try and check to see if you have a deficiency in B1, B2 or B6. Foods rich in iron include poultry, meat, legumes and even dark leafy greens. Good sources of riboflavin and thiamine include poultry, dairy, legumes, starchy vegetables and seeds.
Bleeding Gums
Sometimes, roughly brushing your teeth can lead to bleeding gums. At the same time though, a diet that lacks Vitamin C can also be to blame. Your body doesn’t make this on its own, so the only way for you to maintain these levels would be for you to get it through your diet. This kind of deficiency happens when you do not consume enough fresh fruit or vegetables in the day. If you want to do something about this then make sure you benefit yourself by taking a supplement. Slow wound scaling, or dry skin that is scaly can also be a sign of vitamin deficiency, so make sure that you include more fruit and vegetables in your diet if you can.
Poor Vision
It may be that if you do not consume enough vitamin A, this leads to a condition known as night blindness. This will impact your body’s ability to see in low-light conditions. Vitamin A is required for you to make rhodopsin, which is a pigment within the retina of the eye. If you leave this untreated then you can go on to develop xerophthalmia, which can damage your cornea and lead to blindness. If you want to treat this then you need to take note of any white spots that may be on the whites of the eyes. You may also notice that these improve if you take a high dose of Vitamin A for two weeks but you should consult a medical professional before you do this. Unless you are diagnosed with a clinical deficiency, you should really avoid taking vitamins like this because this vitamin is fat-soluble. This means that if you take it in excess then you may find that it ends up leading to toxicity.
Scaly Patches
If you have a lot of scaly patches, or if you struggle with dandruff then this is a major sign that you need to do something about it. Both these things can lead to you having itchy or flaking skin. If you want to help yourself here then you need to make sure that you do what you can to take enough vitamins. While the link between your diet and dandruff hasn’t been explored that much, you do have to remember that you may need to take more vitamins. Check with your healthcare provider to see if they can check your vitamins for you. You may also want to take the time to eat more foods that are rich in riboflavin as you may find that this benefits you too. If you have scaly patches on the eyelids and chest then this in particular could be a riboflavin deficiency, so try and take note of this and do what you can to avoid it.
Hair Loss
Hair loss is a very common symptom. Studies have shown that people report hair loss, most of the time, by the time they reach the age of 50. If you make sure that you have a diet that is rich in iron as well as zinc and B3 then this should help you with that. The best way for you to help yourself here would be for you to take a very standard multivitamin. Niacin-rich foods can also help you here, and they include fish and dairy. If you want, you can also look into how to care for the specific type of hair you have. 1A hair care will require very different care when compared to very curly hair for example, so you need to try and keep this in mind if you can.
Red Bumps
If you have lots of red bumps on the skin then it’s advisable to see your doctor to explore what steps you can take to get your health back on track. You may also find that you can get to the root of the problem and when you do, you should see your symptoms disappear in a month or two. If they don’t then of course, make sure that you go right back to your doctor.